Delete Account

To delete your account, please follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Profile Screen

    Using the bottom tab bar in the Extra Dough app, select the 'Profile' or middle icon. It should look similar to the below screenshot.

    Navigate to the profile screen in the Extra Dough mobile app.
  2. Press Delete Account

    On the Profile Screen, press the 'Delete Account' button. It should raise an alert asking you to confirm your decision as indicated in the below screenshot.

    Press Delete account on the profile screen in the Extra Dough mobile app and confirm on the resulting alert.
  3. Verify the Request was Recieved

    After confirming the deletion of your account, you should see a screen similar to the below screenshot. You may choose to cancel the delete request if submitted in error by pressing the 'Cancel delete request' button. Otherwise, the delete request will remain in a pending state until an admin approves the request. Once approved, your account and data will be deleted and you will be logged out of the app.

    Visibly confirm your account deletion request on the profile screen in the Extra Dough mobile app.